Thamani Yetu
Safeguarding Cervical Health for Every Woman and Girl.

Every two minutes, a woman dies of cervical cancer globally, yet it is one of the most preventable cancer, yet it negatively affects the lives, families, and livelihoods of the most vulnerable populations. In Kenya, nine (9) women die daily from cervical cancer.
These high incidence rates can be attributed to challenges caused by poor access to
- HPV vaccines for prevention,
- Organized population-based screening for early detection, and
- Timely treatment of pre-cancers and invasive cervical disease in women.
This is further made worse by inadequate community awareness, high cost of services, weak health systems, low research to help with decision-making in many countries and little or no domestic funding for elimination interventions.
As a response to the above, KILELE Health in June 2022 innovated Thamani Yetu project, a corporate engagement strategy for involvement of various stakeholders towards cervical cancer elimination. We are working on meaningful engagement of survivors and caregivers as champions and ambassadors for elimination, community engagement to demystify cancer and encourage behavior change through using their lived stories to inspire action and community engagement in prevention. We do this through:
- Demand creation and community mobilization
- Access to Services
- Integration of Services
- Wellness Programmes
Where we work
Women in Africa face significant health disparities, inequities and challenges,
cervical cancer need not be one of them!
Level 1 to Level 4
Primary Referral Facilities
Community Outreach, Health Promotion, Screening, Early detection, Treatment (Surgical, Chemotherapy, Supportive), Palliative & Survivorship Care.
Pilot meaningful engagement of champions and ambassadors for cervical cancer elimination through Policy Advocacy, Community Engagement to demystify cancer andBehaviour Change Communications to inspire action.
Awareness, education and mobilization
Demand creation for self-sampling and vaccination
Navigation for Access to Services
National Coverage:
Embu, Nairobi, Kiambu, Garissa, Wajir and Homabay Counties